by fitzpsh | Mar 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
Congratulations are in order! Bravura President & CEO has been recognized for her continuous support of women empowerment, and has earned the winning title of ATHENA International’s 2022 ‘ATHENA Leadership Award.’ As we celebrate International Women’s History Day,...
by fitzpsh | Feb 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
There is a certain level of graciousness that every female must carry with her as she navigates her chosen profession, especially a woman in a leadership position. And that graciousness must be skirted by a multi-layer of knowledge, enthusiasm, and confidence about...
by fitzpsh | Dec 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
The ‘Everyday Heroes Award’ recognizes the outstanding educators who promote exemplary dedication to the education of children and youth in Harford County Public Schools; especially those who go above and beyond to make learning rewarding and engaging. Each...
by fitzpsh | Oct 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
At the 2021 ‘Tools for School’ breakfast, CEO of Bravura Claudine Adams spoke on Harford County Eduction Foundation’s many accomplishments, and her rewarding experience acting as a board member for the nonprofit organization. View the video above to hear her speech....
by fitzpsh | Oct 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
Congratulations are in order! Our President and CEO, Claudine Adams has risen to the occasion once again, as she has recently been appointed by Aberdeen’s Mayor, Patrick McGrady, to join the Aberdeen Economic Development Commission. The position is truly one to honor,...