Bravura’s CEO earns a seat on NMTC’s board

On July 17th the Northeastern Maryland Technology Council announced the addition of five new board members, one being our very own Claudine Adams. As a member of the board Ms. Adams will support NMTC’s overall mission to drive economic development via the progression...

Bravura to Lead U.S. Army’s Aerostat Management Under $306 Million ContractPersistent surveillance systems protect troops thanks to unprecedented monitoring Persistent surveillance and threat detection systems, like those developed by Lockheed Martin and TCOM, have...

07 September, 2016- Some Senior Bravura Staff members visit Yuma Proving Grounds to meet and greet incoming employees. They stopped to pose before a tank at the visitor center. Ready to serve US Army on their mission.Left to right: Larry Pierson, Director of...